Friday, June 28, 2013

Of Empty Nests and Launching Pads...

   Last week my daughter took that pivotal walk across the stage, the one that starts as a little girl and ends as a high school graduate - diploma in hand and one foot out the door. It would be a lie to say that I didn't get emotional; like most parents there, I was acutely aware that an invisible line had been crossed and things would never be the same.  But under that sadness there was another feeling bubbling up - one that will probably get me branded a horrible mother of the worst kind. 

   Because under that sadness was a feeling of excitement - that same feeling I get waiting at the airport for the call to board. There is a huge adventure waiting for us and I can't wait to see where it takes us, separately and together. As if a huge reset button has been pressed, everything is about to change in our lives.

   My daughter was not planned but none the less she was and is the greatest gift I've ever been given. If raising my daughter is the only thing I accomplish in my life, I will still feel like a winner. Every detour my life took and every sacrifice I made, paid off in ways beyond my wildest dreams; my daughter is an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her. I wasn't a perfect parent - none of us are-, but most days I did give the very best I could. And that's why I feel good about where we've arrived- this fork in our road.  

    She leaves for college exactly 9 days after she turns 18. She will be living in the dorms at a fabulous school, learning to navigate a life without me, making decisions that will determine her entire future. She'll be making friends with new people - people I won't know and maybe never will. There will be huge chunks of her life, that are hers and hers alone. I will no longer be a player in her daily life but merely an observer.  I have no idea what my daughter will end up being as a grown up. She's a talented, smart and beautiful person; the world is literally her oyster. She's also hard-headed, challenging and outspoken. It will be to amazing to see her pull all these things together to create the life of her dreams. 

   As for me, I have my own adventure to attend to. I'm back in school, planning on chucking the career I've had for over 20 years now for a new one. One that has yet to take shape or even a clear cut title. But I'm sure that the perfect new career is out there waiting for me, even if I have to create it. 

  I've come to the realization that I desperately want to travel. So many places call my name and I'm going to visit each and every one of them. I want to live like a nomad - my home carried on my back and in the chambers of my heart. I want to meet interesting new people and have fabulous adventures.

  So when I hear people talk about the dreaded "empty nest", I understand what they mean- I just don't see it the same way. I look at the future and see not an empty nest but a launching pad. I see my daughter and I taking flight into our new lives, entering this new phase with joy and anticipation. I'm sure we'll have moments of looking back over our wings; but wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, my daughter is always going to be in my heart. I look forward to the day when we've moved beyond being simply parent and child to being true friends. Because I can't imagine anyone more amazing to be friends with than my daughter. 

  Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a launch to prepare for...