Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh how exciting....

A brand spanking new blog to fill with ..... Well crap... I really hadn't thought that far in advance. I was truly thinking only about the nice neat little *100* my teacher was going to give me when he saw that I'd completed the assignment.

But somewhere along the way, I started getting excited about the possibilities inherent in a new journal/blog/venue. I started oohing and aahing over the templates, the colors, - heck even the fonts made me happy. I thought about the blogs I admired ( Love Ya, Mean It! especially) and thought, "HELL YEAH!!" I can do that!! NO SWEAT. 

Well that was then.... and this is now. Now I actually have to find a topic to write about. 

I suppose I could write about the unbelievable stupidity running rampant in D.C. right now. About how I've gone from the type of person who stood outside for hours, in the sleet and freezing rain to support my favorite candidate, to a person who barely cares.  I'm so disgusted in our political system. 

I could write about this insane heat we've been having in Tx and how I'd rather be at the beach.... but if you've spent more then an hour around me, you know that the beach is my passion and I'm always trying to get back there. 

Of course, there's always the stories about about family and all the crazy things they do... but I'd like to keep breathing for a while longer. 

I could brag about my super smart daughter... 

Or about my funny little nephew full of vim and vigor...

But for now, I'll just leave you with this thought:

Is it really possible to have a blog and not be at least a little bit of a narcissist? 

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